Contact Us

  • Old Sol Apiaries
  • 541-582-2337
  • P.O. Box 1760
    Rogue River, Oregon

About us


Old Sol Enterprises LLC is a family run business that endeavors to promote sustainability and the environment at large. In an effort to achieve these goals, Old Sol works to implement concepts including organic farming practices, permaculture, Integrated Pest Management, profitable habitat restoration, and other innovative farming practices.



At Old Sol we focus on quality over quantity, and take extra time at every step of the way to assure ample, productive, well-vetted queens that will supply your apiary with excellent genetics and prosperous colonies.

2025 Prices & Availability

Old Sol SuperNucs come ready to grow in a wooden 8 frame medium with 6 frames, all stages of brood, food, a fully vetted, marked queen, and a one gallon frame feeder. The advantage of having more frames to work with will transform the sustainability and profitability of your apiary.  Lighter weight individual hive components mean better ergonomics, which makes beekeeping more accessible, safer, and fun.

Efficiency: Three mediums is volumetrically equivalent to a double deep, however it is composed of 33% more frames of bees! This means more bees to work with for increase or sale. More bees makes beekeeping more sustainable and profitable.

Ergonomics: A full 8 frame honey super will usually only weigh between 20-40 pounds. This is much easier on beekeepers' backs. This means beekeeping is more accessible to more people.


Available Timeframe Survivor Stock, 
Quantity 1 - 99
Quantity 1 - 99
May $275 $300

To make a nuc reservation, please send an email with your name and phone number to 


Our SuperNuc colonies come complete with:

A 2025 double-vetted, mated, marked queen*

6 frames of bees and stores

8 frame wooden medium "Western" box

1 gallon frame feeder with cap and ladder system to prevent drowning and burr comb

* You may choose from a Survivor Stock queen or a Caucasian queen.

Nucs are for local (Rogue Valley) pick-up only.


Characteristics of our bees:

  • Breeders are selected from a pool of over 2,500 colonies

  • Selected for hygienic behavior

  • Selected for low mite counts

  • Northern bred for winter hardiness and no Africanized genetics

  • All Breeder queens tested by the Bee Informed Partnership

  • Selected for rapid buildup

  • Fly at cooler temperatures

  • Excellent honey production

  • Mated queens are vetted for 3 weeks to assure a quality brood pattern, and a high acceptance rate.

  • All queens are marked to make them easy to find and to monitor performance.


Old Sol Nuc Distributors 





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